Accelerated Dental Program Admission

You must have an ADA accredited post-graduate dental specialty degree or certificate from at least a two-year United States or Canadian program in clinical dentistry to be eligible to apply to the Accelerated Dental Program.

1. Each applicant is required to submit a complete formal application for admission. No application will be reviewed until it is complete. The complete application consists of the following:

  • Current Curriculum Vitae
  • Passport type photograph (2" x 2") (electronically uploaded)
  • $75 application fee (electronic payment only)
  • Official Evaluation of Foreign Educational Credentials Course-by-Course Evaluation Report. This report must be prepared by the Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.

    Note: Payment for this service is made directly to Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. Please read and follow application instructions carefully.
  • Applicants must pass NBDE Part I and Part II at time of application.  Alternatively, applicants must pass the INBDE at time of application.  Official scores must be sent to Office of Admissions.
  • Evidence of U.S. Immigration and Naturalization status OR meet eligibility for a student visa. The applicant must either be a U.S. citizen, a permanent resident alien (Green Card), show proof that permanent residency status is in process, or meet eligibility for requirements for a student visa.  TPS and OPT visas are not accepted.
  • Letter of recommendation from the Dean of the overseas school is not needed, but there must be a letter from the Dean's office or the University Registrar validating that the candidate did attend and successfully completed the requirements for the DDS or BDS and successfully graduated.
  • Two letters of professional reference from faculty of the candidate's accredited U.S. graduate dental specialty degree program
  • An official transcript, posting the earned certificate or degree from an accredited U.S. graduate dental specialty degree program

Items Applicants Can Upload: 

  1. Your Curriculum Vitae 
  2. Your Letter of Intent/Cover Letter 
  3. A passport-type photograph (2" x 2") 
  4. The application fee of $75 (electronic payment only)
  5. copy of passport, permanent residency card, or birth certificate (U.S. Citizens only)

Items Applicants CANNOT upload and must have sent directly to Office of Admissions by official sources, either electronically or by mail.  

  1. Official ECE (for international applicants) evaluation of foreign dental school transcript 
  2. Official NBDE Part 1 & Part 2 OR INBDE results 
  3. A letter of recommendation (LOR) from the Director of the U.S.- or Canada-based post-doctoral residency program 
  1. Two LORs from faculty in the U.S.- or Canada-based post-doctoral residency program 
  2. Official transcript from the U.S.- or Canada-based post-doctoral residency program 

Individuals who do not meet the above-stated criteria will not be considered for an interview.

All transcripts must be official and sent by the school to Detroit Mercy Dental.  ECE evaluations, and letters of recommendation should be sent electronically to Lisa Wyrick ( or mailed to the following address:

Lisa Wyrick
c/o Office of Admissions
University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry
2700 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Detroit, MI

Completed applications will be reviewed by February 1 and Candidate Interviews will be offered starting March 1.

Apply here -

*Please note - When creating your file, please choose '2025' as the year and then '2025 Professional Fall' to create an application to the Accelerated Dental Program

Adjunct Faculty Position

PLEASE NOTE: Acceptance into the accelerated dental program is based on the educational and faculty personnel needs of the School of Dentistry. Applications received by the Office of Academic Administration will be reviewed based on potential part-time faculty positions available for the next academic year.

If a position is available, completed applications will be forwarded to specific departments for review. The department chairperson is responsible for the review and selection of potential candidates. The interview process for potential candidates is coordinated by the specific department chairperson and the Coordinator of the ADP.

If a department is interested in recruiting and hiring an Accelerated Dental Candidate, that recommendation will be forwarded to the Academic Dean. The Dean will make the final determination if a candidate is eligible for the Accelerated Dental Program.


  • Position includes up to 24 hours per week (50% FTE) of student contact while teaching during the student pre-clinic lab, clinic, or classroom sessions in the 2-year program.
    • if applicant is on an F-1 Visa, position is 20 hours per week of student contact/teaching
  • Faculty are required to teach for 6 complete terms for a two-year program.
  • Teaching and clinical assignments are determined by the department chairperson. Faculty are expected to participate in all faculty-related activities, including faculty meetings, faculty development programs, graduation, school-sponsored social gatherings, etc.
  • Annual salary is $32,000.00.
  • Benefits include TIAA-CREF and health insurance.

Cost of Attendance

For current cost, please see our catalog entry at

Detroit Mercy Dental Statement on Diversity

Detroit Mercy Dental is committed to diversifying its student body and the dental workforce.  The admissions committee seeks to increase the applicant pool of students from historically underrepresented race/ethnicity (HURE) groups and first-generation students, as defined by ADEA.  Guided by our mission as a Jesuit & Mercy institution, in alignment with the values of social justice and equity, our vision of diversity also includes individuals from educationally and economically disadvantaged populations, as defined by HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration).