FT - Dentist - Manistee, MI

Name of Organization: Water's Edge Dentistry

Type of Opportunity: Dentist

City, State: Manistee, MI
Country: USA

Days/Times Needed: Monday- Friday
Hours: Full-Time

Compensation: $200,000-350,000.0

Description of Opportunity: Our office is situated on the Manistee River bank 3 blocks from Lake Michigan. It is a non par offices that collects at time of service. We are seeking an associate general dentist who is interested in microscope enhanced dentistry using scanners, lasers, CBCT, for doing implants, ortho, and endo. If you are interested in delivering high quality care in a beautiful T.H.E. designed office with excellent compensation, please respond.

Name of Contact: Geoff Paine
Email: paines@chartermi.net 
Phone: 231-920-3768
Website: www.manisteedentists.com 
