Accelerated Dental Program

The University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry offers an opportunity to earn the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) to qualified graduates of foreign dental schools while under a part-time faculty contract within the School of Dentistry.
The purpose of this program is to provide dentists educated in foreign dental schools an opportunity to earn a DDS degree from an accredited U.S. dental school in order to help meet the educational requirements for eligibility for licensure in all states. It is also helpful to those planning an academic career in dental education and research as it provides valuable teaching experience.
The Accelerated Dental Program (ADP) is individualized to meet the educational needs of the student. It consists of didactic and clinical components distributed over a two-year program. The program begins in the Fall of the Academic Year (August) and ends in July of the second year. Tuition rates depend on the length of the program.
The program consists of a minimum of two years, all of which must be completed at the University of Detroit Mercy (transfer students will not be considered).
*Acceptance into the accelerated dental program also depends on the educational and faculty personnel needs of the School of Dentistry, which may vary each year.
Please note: You must have an ADA accredited post-graduate dental specialty degree or certificate from at least a two-year United States or Canadian program in clinical dentistry to be eligible to apply to the Accelerated Dental Program.
Definition of U.S.- or Canada-based post-doctoral residency program.
Applicants must complete a minimum 2-year post-doctoral residency program that is based in operative dentistry. Examples of acceptable programs:
Orthodontics, Endodontics, Periodontics, Pedodontics, Prosthodontics, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Advanced Education in General Dentistry (must be at a single site), General Practice Residency (must be at a single site)
Examples of unacceptable programs:
Public Health, Advanced Education in General Dentistry at more than one site, General Practice Residency at more than one site